Take action against airport expansion, in solidarity with those detained in the Heathrow detention centres, and resist plans to build Europe’s largest detention centre in their place.
Detention is racist.
The climate crisis is a racist crisis.
Check the Facebook event page for event details and instructions on the day!
JOIN EHID on 13-15th June for an online offensive against Mitie and Heathrow Airport Limited. Let these companies know our rage & disgust at their complicity in the racist targeting and imprisonment of migrants and their total disregard for the environment.
Not only does Heathrow Airport Ltd plan to continue trashing the environment with an expansion plan that will have a greater carbon output than the economy of Kenya, but they are complicit partners with the Home Office by planning to build one of Europe’s biggest detention centres with a capacity of over 1,000 places as part of expansion. The proposed site for the detention centre is on local green space, a site of special importance for nature, in an area where locals have already suffered decades from airport pollution.
People are still being held inside the Mitie-run Heathrow detention centres, despite the huge risk to detainees contracting COVID-19. As well as this, people inside routinely experience horrific violence from guards and border agents, are separated from their families and communities, and have no idea if they will be released or deported abroad. Many people inside are fleeing violence or danger from the countries of their nationality, or will have little to no support networks on return.
✊🏼 That Mitie and Heathrow Airport stop their complicity with the Home Office in the racist targeting of migrants through the detention regime: and
✊🏾 That Heathrow Airport abandon their expansion plans for good
Keep checking the Facebook event and social media for event details and instructions on the day!