There is no time limit and you can be held for weeks, months or years without knowing when you will be released.The difference is that you have to commit a crime to go to prison, and you will know the length of your sentence. In immigration detention, there is no time limit and you can be held for weeks, months or years without knowing when you will be released. I am a proud and active member of the These Walls Must Fall campaign because I was detained when I was child, and my childhood made me feel that asking for justice is a crime. Seeking sanctuary must not be seen as something illegal. Through this campaign l can champion the voices of fellow people in detention and share their experience, which can help to spread awareness and bring an to end detention. It is most important to make the public aware of how their money is being wasted on this system, and for them to raise their voices against this inhumane system. The British Red Cross has just released a major report calling for an overhaul of the UK’s immigration detention system and as parliament closed for recess on Tuesday, a government-commissioned review was released, which found various aspects of the detention system ‘deeply troubling’. When councillors from every political party in Liverpool council supported a motion against detention, I was hopeful.