Launched this week, this “zine” is a hand-made guide to detention for those at risk and their supporters.

It talks about practical things you and supporters can do, as well as giving you some insight into what the experience might be like – although everybody is different.

It’s been made by Rosie in Sheffield using accounts from experts-by-experience (people who have been detained) and the Right to Remain Toolkit.

As the campaign group Freed Voices have said in their statement welcoming this new resource:

Knowledge is power and this is vital when you have to swim across the ocean of harsh immigration policies and practices in the UK. As a group with first hand experience, we are well aware of the importance of having vital resources that people can refer to gain more knowledge around immigration detention, ever present risk of detention during Home Office reporting events, and necessary advice, guidance and preparations for people at risk of detention. 

We are confident that this Detention Zine is covering all the above essential areas related to immigration detention and this is not only a vital tool for people at risk of detention; this is vital for people who have loved ones, friends who are at risk of detention and for any organization that give advice to people on this subject. 

We consider it as a privilege and are proud to have helped with this by sharing our first hand expertise. Credits go to Rosie for instigating and designing this and all others, such as the Right to Remain for their valuable contributions.  

You can order copies of the zine on the Right to Remain website: