Solidarity Knows No Borders: weekend of action
This weekend, under the shared banner of ‘Solidarity Knows No Borders’, groups across the country are taking action against the racism and brutality of Hostile Environment immigration policies
This weekend, under the shared banner of ‘Solidarity Knows No Borders’, groups across the country are taking action against the racism and brutality of Hostile Environment immigration policies
On 13 June, take action against airport expansion, in solidarity with those detained in the Heathrow detention centres, and resist plans to build Europe’s largest detention centre in their place.
No reading or discussion prepared me for how it felt to be at Morton Hall detention centre. It feels remote. I’m sure it’s deliberate that it feels a long way from friends and family. It also feels a long way from policymakers.
Join South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group, These Walls Must Fall supporters, and Student Action for Refugees on a national protest at Morton Hall detention centre on 26th October 2019.
Mount Pleasant Park FC held a football match outside Vulcan House, the Home Office building in Sheffield. We met up with some of the team, to ask them what propmpted this action, and how they went about planning it.
Forget Liverpool, Spurs and the Champions League: the real football action this week was on the streets of Sheffield and Bristol, where local clubs came together to take on the Hostile Environment.
There’s a protest organised for this coming Saturday at Morton Hall detention centre near Lincoln. Here’s some background, first published by Right to Remain at the time of the last inspection report on the centre in 2017.
Join Liverpool Migrant Solidarity Network on International Migrants Day, marching in solidarity with refugees and migrants.
Hundreds marched through Bristol streets, and this week the Council votes on a These Walls Must Fall motion