TAKE ACTION: email your MP, ask for help bring pressure on the Home Secretary to empty the detention centres. This is urgent. The Home Office must take action now to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Detention Action has launched a campaign to get MPs’ support to bring pressure on the Home Secretary. Please help by emailing your MP today.
Info from Detention Action
Covid-19 poses a grave threat to life in immigration detention centres. But the Home Secretary Priti Patel is nowhere to be seen.
In fact, she has continued with MORE detentions. The latest case is reported to be someone brought into Brook House IRC just two weeks ago, when he was already showing Covid symptoms.
We all want answers, and our MPs can help get them. Write to your MP today and ask them to demand answers from the Home Secretary Priti Patel.
So far two Covid-19 cases have been confirmed in detention centres, with many more showing symptoms. Hundreds are still held in unsanitary conditions, including survivors of human trafficking and those with serious health conditions.
Urgent Questions for Priti Patel:
- Why are people in detention still not able to access soap and sanitizer?
- Why are staff and those detained not being tested for Covid-19 when testing is in place for prisons?
- Why focus on detaining more people instead of protecting those already in detention?
- Why put lives at risk and waste resources when detention serves no purpose due to travel restrictions?