Angelic, a member of the Manchester These Walls Must Fall campaign group who has also been detained in Yarl’s Wood, had this to say:“It is a feeling of prison, it effects everything. My experience first time, every door is closed, locked, locked, locked. I couldn’t eat or anything, it made me so stressed. It effects all your life afterwards”.
As the report points out, “Although [Yarl’s Wood is] a custodial establishment, we were mindful that detainees were not held because they had been charged with a criminal offence and had not been detained through normal judicial processes.” Report after report has shown the damage of detention – our neighbours, our friends are being taken from our communities and subjected to this, deprived of their liberty and their dignity, for ‘administrative purposes’. This must end.“Detaining women and releasing them later serves no purpose whatsoever. Why destroy instead of mending the broken?”