Learn about detention and destitution and how to help those at risk. Learn from those with lived experience by a young person led session.
About this Event
Come join PAFRAS on International Human Rights Day to learn how to better support young asylum seekers.
The morning session will be delivered by Right to Remain as part of their These Walls Must Fall project who will be focusing on increasing understanding about detention, who is at risk and what it’s like and how to better support those who are at risk.
PAFRAS caseworkers will deliver a session on how to progress after refusal and understanding destitution and no recourse to public funds.
The afternoon will be led by young asylum seekers and refugees themselves who form a campaigns group called ST4R (Stand Together 4 Refugees).
The day is coordinated and delivered by the Young Migrants Matter which is partnership project between PAFRAS and the Children’s Society working to support young asylum seekers aged 16-24 years old with an insecure immigration status.
*We encourage individuals who are at risk of detention to attend with their supporters for the morning sessions and ticket fee will be waived for them – please email ally@pafras.org.uk about this.
NB: Lunch is not provided