‘That’s why These Walls Must Fall’ – Report from the national demonstration to end immigration detention
Maggy Moyo, Right to Remain’s These Walls Must Fall Organiser, reports on the demonstration that she led with the No To Hassockfield campaign.
Maggy Moyo, Right to Remain’s These Walls Must Fall Organiser, reports on the demonstration that she led with the No To Hassockfield campaign.
Some media coverage and beautiful photographs from the national demonstration against detention
On International Migrants Day, a vigil was held in Liverpool at the headquarters of Bibby Marine, to mark the sad loss of life onboard the Bibby detention barge.
On Tuesday 31 October 2023, These Walls Must Fall campaigners in Manchester will be standing alongside campaigners from Migrant Voice and Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit in protest against the government’s recent massive increases to immigration visa fees. Read this blog to find out more!
Yorkshire These Walls Must Fall campaigners travelled to join the monthly protest outside Derwentside Immigration Removal Centre for women
Campaigners from Manchester, Liverpool and Yorkshire joined forces with others in Durham to say NO to the new immigration detention centre
Right to Remain is hosting an informal online meeting for people in Birmingham who are concerned about immigration enforcement and are curious about the anti-raids network.
Sheffield together on June 18 – join us for a protest rally against the hostile environment. Solidarity knows no borders!
A coalition of groups has called a national demonstration in Durham on May 14th
National demonstration called, in protest at the opening of the new immigration detention centre for women on England. Saturday 4 December
Hundreds joined the Justice for Simba campaign in Sheffield last Saturday for the ‘Carnival of Resistance’.
Day of solidarity: Sat 22 May. Stand with the people in Napier Barracks. We will show them they are not alone and they are not forgotten. We will offer our care and friendship, practical support and any experience we can share. We will tell them that their struggle is our struggle – against racist borders and a violent state.