Open Letter and Statement on Immigration Detention and Covid-19
TWMF Yorkshire campaigners write on their extreme concern about the safety of those who remain in immigration detention under Covid-19 and why the government take action now.
TWMF Yorkshire campaigners write on their extreme concern about the safety of those who remain in immigration detention under Covid-19 and why the government take action now.
This recording is by a campaigner who has experienced the state violence and racism of immigration detention three times. A woman who stands in solidarity with all who are striving, fighting, for freedom, equality, justice.
Government faces a fresh legal challenge to immigration detention during Covid-19, after settling the first immigration detention case.
Victor Mujakachi reflects on the coronavirus pandemic, the government’s response, racism, the impact of the crisis on migrants, fake news, and the history of Zimbabwe, which eventually brought him to the UK.
TAKE ACTION: email your MP, ask for help bring pressure on the Home Secretary to empty the detention centres. This is urgent. The Home Office must take action now to stop the spread of Covid-19
We’re looking for people to help run online events to raise urgent funds for local projects, and support the campaign to end immigration detention
These Walls Must Fall campaigners in joined author Behrouz Boochani, and translator Omid Tofighian, discussing the writing of Boochani’s extraordinary book ‘No Friend But the Mountains’, a first-hand account of his detention by the Australian government on Manus Island
Detention centres closed to visitors. Only 736 remain detained. No detention or deportations to 49 countries. Cases of all in detention to be reviewed
Right to Remain has a new webpage with news of changes to the asylum and immigration system. It is constantly updated as changes are announced.
Covid-19: Legal challenge and petition – People must be released from detention
Doctors of the World have produced Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for patients in 20 languages. Please share.
Ten human rights and legal organisations have written to the Home Secretary to demand the release of all people from immigration detention.