Migrant solidarity, Merseyside: meeting, Tuesday July 11th
This is the second meeting of a new migrant solidarity network on Merseyside. It is open to all who want to work together on refugee and migrant solidarity in the area, and beyond
This is the second meeting of a new migrant solidarity network on Merseyside. It is open to all who want to work together on refugee and migrant solidarity in the area, and beyond
On April 22nd, 2023, over 70 protestors gathered in Halifax to rally against the so-called “Illegal” Migration Bill. Protestors called upon the Calderdale Council, to a pass to oppose the bill and the government for a humane approach to migration.
Yorkshire These Walls Must Fall campaigners travelled to join the monthly protest outside Derwentside Immigration Removal Centre for women
On 15th February, These Walls Must Fall campaigners and Right to Remain staff attended an online information session on immigration detention delivered by AVID. AVID, short for Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees, is a network for organisations that support people who are in detention.
Glory, a campaigner with These Walls Must Fall, chats about how the Right to Remain Toolkit helped her to gain refugee protection and the right to stay
“The solidarity in Manchester was amazing, we could see people wiping their tears and at the end, we heard everyone shouting ‘We are together’.”
These Walls Must Fall campaigners got together in Liverpool this month for a network gathering
Two complaints to data protection regulators have been filed against the Home Office’s use of global GPS ankle tags to monitor people
Migrant organisers and allies came together in Manchester for a gathering as part of the Solidarity Knows No Borders week of action.
A victory in the Abolish Reporting campaign against unfair monitoring and control of migrants!
Campaigners from Manchester, Liverpool and Yorkshire joined forces with others in Durham to say NO to the new immigration detention centre
Right to Remain is hosting an informal online meeting for people in Birmingham who are concerned about immigration enforcement and are curious about the anti-raids network.