Week of action to end the Hostile Environment: 13-19 June 2022
The Solidarity Knows No Borders community of resistance Week of Action to End the Hostile Environment, 13-19 June.
The Solidarity Knows No Borders community of resistance Week of Action to End the Hostile Environment, 13-19 June.
Hot off the presses… These Walls Must Fall campaigners VVIDY (Voice for Voiceless Immigration Detainees Yorkshire) today launch four brand new, limited edition t-shirts, for sale now on the Right to Remain shop.
Bail for Immigration Detainees has launched an urgent campaign for the release of people being held in immigration detention in prisons.
We are Voice for Voiceless Immigration Detainees Yorkshire, last week we wrote to the Home Secretary about in-person signing and reporting, and ask that it is stopped for good.
This weekend, under the shared banner of ‘Solidarity Knows No Borders’, groups across the country are taking action against the racism and brutality of Hostile Environment immigration policies
TWMF Yorkshire campaigners write on their extreme concern about the safety of those who remain in immigration detention under Covid-19 and why the government take action now.
TAKE ACTION: email your MP, ask for help bring pressure on the Home Secretary to empty the detention centres. This is urgent. The Home Office must take action now to stop the spread of Covid-19
We’re looking for people to help run online events to raise urgent funds for local projects, and support the campaign to end immigration detention
This template can help you to draft a motion for your trade union branch in support of the campaign to end detention
A trade union motion (resolution) against immigration detention is a way of showing popular opposition to the policy, and can be used to encourage political representatives to take action.
Lots of local councils are passing motions to support the call for an end to immigration detention. This is a template you can adapt and use in your area
Campaigners are working with their local elected representatives to pass council motions against immigration detention. Here are some tips on getting a council to support the campaign in this way